KUALA LUMPUR, 7 September 2022: The UCSI Poll Research Centre recently released a poll result on voter’s voting behaviour in Malaysia. The poll was conducted among 1,010 adults in Malaysia.

Amongst the respondents, 74% voted in the last election, and out of them 77% knew the name of the assembly or parliament member who won at their constituency. On a question on whether the state legislative assembly or parliament member visited the constituency since winning in the last election, only 44% said “Yes”.

The respondents were asked on what basis they casted their votes. Their responses are summarised as below.


The respondents who did not vote (26%) in the last election were asked to state the reason for not voting. Their responses are shown as below.


The responses on a question on whether the respondents would vote in the coming election, are shown as below

The voting behaviour of the respondents in the last election, by age group, is as below.

The intention to vote in the next election, by age group, is as below.

 “Based on the voting behaviour, young voters under the age of 30 have developed maturity in acknowledging the importance of voting in general elections. This also proves that the young people are starting to think about political issues and regain confidence in the country's unstable political system and the ruling government” said Dr Mohd Ikhram bin Mohd Ridzuan, the Head of Department of General Studies, UCSI University.

About UCSI Poll Research Centre The UCSI Poll Research Centre (UCSI-PRC) is a public opinion research company owned by the UCSI Group. Its main objective is to utilise original and scientific research methodologies to investigate and analyse public opinions and attitudes.